FALIA Essay Competition 2019  Prize Winner Announcement


Name of Winner / University

「Essay Title


NEHAL KHAN / Doshisha University

Level of Satisfaction and Attitude towards Japanese National Health Insurance: A Case Study of International Students in Kyoto CityPDF




AVASH BYANJANKAR, BISHAL DHAKAL / Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

Fixing the Life Insurance System in Nepal: Better Alternatives to the Current Status Quo

PABITRA DANGOL / International University of Japan

Life insurance demand determinants: Evidence from 27 Asian countries  And  Investment opportunities to Japanese firms in Nepal

RAYNELL ANDAL INOJOSA / Tokyo Institute of Technology

Quantifying Potential Buyers' Response Towards Life Insurance: The Attitude of Filipinos from a Highly-urbanized Region in the Philippines




Relationships between insurance and economic growth: a case study of the Republic of Benin

GREGORIUS JACOB DWIPRAKOSO / Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

The New Era for Contemporary Life Insurance Analysis

TIFANI HUSNA SIREGAR / Waseda University

Should Life Insurance Companies be More Social? An Analysis of the Impact of Social Media Usage on the Performance of Indonesian Life Insurance Companies

KARATA REHEMA MUSSA / Nagoya University

Socio-economic Transformation and the Prospects of Life Insurance in Tanzania

PETER RYAN / Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

Insurance: A Socio-Business Perspective from Backpackers

PATCHARACHOK TEESREE / Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

Life Insurance In Thailand and Islamic Beliefs

※As for 1st Prize winner, essay summary is available to read in PDF.


審査委員長講評 ― Review by the Judging Committee Chair ”English”PDF  "Japanese"PDF


◆Award Ceremony and Seminar, held on January 17, 2020

 <Award Ceremony>





 <Seminar and Reception  Party>

  Along with the Award Ceremony, we held a Seminar and the prize winner's presentation.




 <Reception Party>

 The reception party was held with the attendances of the prize winners, embassy officials, and university officials.